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Specialist Training

Yoga is a very popular complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) and is sought out for a range of different health reasons. In line with our aim of radical transformation and holistic healing, yoga is an important part of our program. Yoga therapy works on all aspects of a person physically, mentally, emotionally and energetically. The difference between yoga therapy and a yoga class lies in the intention. In yoga therapy sessions for either individuals or groups, the intention is to focus on the specific condition that is experienced by the individual/group, while in yoga classes the intention has a more general focus on strength building, stretching, breath, and visualisation exercises.
The difference between yoga therapy and a yoga class lies in the intention. In yoga therapy sessions for either individuals or groups, the intention is to focus on the specific condition that is experienced by the individual/group, while in yoga classes the intention has a more general focus on strength building, stretching, breath, and visualisation exercises. The difference between yoga therapy and a yoga class lies in the intention. In yoga therapy sessions for either individuals or groups, the intention is to focus on the specific condition that is experienced by the individual/group, while in yoga classes the intention has a more general focus on strength building, stretching, breath, and visualisation exercises.

Evidence-based research shows that yoga therapy can, amongst others

  • Calm tension in the muscles
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Enhance endocrine system activity
  • Reduce physical and emotional discomfort
  • Normalise an activated sympathetic nervous system and stimulate parasympathetic response
  • Train mindfulness and increase interoception
  • Increase oxygen levels in the blood and enhance respiratory function
Trauma sensitive yoga (TSY)

Teaching TSY to populations of people who have symptoms of PTSD is vastly different to teaching healthy populations. The protocol for TSY is designed to specifically address the needs of this particular population.

The PTSD protocol of TSY teaches yogic tools and techniques to deal with the broad spectrum of PTSD symptoms.

Yoga therapy for Addiction

Addiction is defined as a strong physical, emotional and/or psychological dependence on a substance or behaviour (such as alcohol, drugs, sugar, coffee, gambling, sex, shopping, overwork, exercise, the internet, video games or television) that has progressed beyond voluntary control.

An addict feels an uncontrollable, compulsive craving and/or psychological dependence on or for the addictive substance or behaviour, regardless of the outcome or potential to cause personal harm, or to disrupt close relationships.

Addiction is a chronic and progressive condition, with genetic, neurobiological, hormonal, nutritional, psychosocial, environmental and spiritual factors contributing to its development and manifestation.

For information on yoga therapy training, please contact Itta Roussos a.k.a. Ravi Kaur.

Yoga therapy for Anxiety and Depression

This 8 week protocol of African Kundalini Yoga shifts long term patterns of anxiety and depression by incorporating detailed process work into the causes and effects of anxiety and depression. Powerful yogic techniques are brought to bear on addictive thought patterns, changing and shifting lifelong mental patterns of stress. Using prana as medicine is integral to this form of therapy.

The use of the Naad, or sound current, permeates throughout this system of healing and awakens a deeper connection to the breath which increases the amount of prana, or life force, available to the nervous system. This has the overall benefit of raising capacity to overcome anxious or depressed thoughts. Evidence-based CAM studies have shown how effective the use of breath is in alleviating anxiety and depression.

Yoga therapy for HIV

We invited 2 trainers from the Guru Ramdas Project in the UK to train AKYTTSA trained teachers how to teach people with an HIV+ diagnosis.

Yoga therapy for Children and Teens

Sat Nam Kids trainers from Germany and Austria came to train AKYTTSA-trained teachers in how to teach yoga to children and teens. Teachers who trained with Sat Nam Kids are now conducting their own workshops to induct new teachers into the Kid’s Yoga program. AKYTTSA children’s yoga training focuses on how to Africanise the training that was brought out from Europe so as to make the teaching that happens in local inner city parks more relevant for our children.