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What we do

Community Building

AKYTTSA’s focus is building spiritual community, or Sangat. Our mission is inspired through Yogi Bhajan, the spiritual father of Kundalini Yoga in the West, who taught that he did not come to gather students, or followers, but to create teachers, or leaders.

We have created a supportive network of teachers across countries in Southern Africa, and beyond, who share our mission with commitment and passion, and who are constantly bringing new people into the Sangat. The Sangat is continually being built through community events.

55.5% of South Africans (over 28 million people) live on less than $1 a day, and most of these people live in either desperately impoverished rural areas, informal settlements or townships in the cities, and an overwhelming majority (64.2)%) of these South Africans are Black (Stats SA, 2019).
12 Hour Chant
12 Hour overnight chanting of Japji.
New Year’s Eve
We bring in the New Year with yoga and meditation with all those who can physically attend and people join in from all over the world connecting through technology.
Monthly 2.5 Hour meditation
We have monthly 2.5 hour meditations at OKYC studios.
Pregnancy: 120th day, Opening the way, and 40 Day blessing
It is yogic custom, to witness the 120th day from conception. We gather to chant from 12-3am, with the pregnant mother, for 3-4 days around the 120th day and create a celebration for the general community to welcome the new soul.
We gather again 10 days before birth, and 40 days after birth to celebrate.
Open Days
We have 4 open days a year where the community comes together to cook, eat and chill in beautiful surroundings together.
General meeting & Mens workshop
We have quarterly general meetings, with volunteers who form a working committee, to support and maintain the many activities which AKYTTSA has birthed.
Our mens group meet during the year to create a safe space for our male teachers and students.
67min Yoga Mandela Day
Once a year South Africans honour Tata Madiba, or Nelson Mandela as he is known elsewhere, by doing 67 minutes of Seva on the 18th July, his birth date. We honour his legacy on this day by practicing a public demonstration of Kundalini Yoga in the inner city of Johannesburg.
Bodhi Tree meditation Blessingway
On Guru Ram Das’s birthday we gather and chant Dhan Dhan for 2.5 hours to honour our legacy of spiritual healing through Guru Ram Das at dawn.

12 Hour Chant

12 Hour overnight chanting of Japji.

New Year’s Eve

We bring in the New Year with yoga and meditation with all those who can physically attend and people join in from all over the world connecting through technology.


Monthly 2.5 Hour meditation

We have monthly 2.5 hour meditations at OKYC studios.


Pregnancy: 120th day, Opening the way, and 40 Day blessing

It is yogic custom, to witness the 120th day from conception. We gather to chant from 12-3am, with the pregnant mother, for 3-4 days around the 120th day and create a celebration for the general community to welcome the new soul.

We gather again 10 days before birth, and 40 days after birth to celebrate.

Open Days

We have 4 open days a year where the community comes together to cook, eat and chill in beautiful surroundings together.

General meeting & Mens workshop

We have quarterly general meetings, with volunteers who form a working committee, to support and maintain the many activities which AKYTTSA has birthed.
Our mens group meet during the year to create a safe space for our male teachers and students.

67min Yoga Mandela Day

Once a year South Africans honour Tata Madiba, or Nelson Mandela as he is known elsewhere, by doing 67 minutes of Seva on the 18th July, his birth date. We honour his legacy on this day by practicing a public demonstration of Kundalini Yoga in the inner city of Johannesburg.

Bodhi Tree meditation Blessingway

On Guru Ram Das’s birthday we gather and chant Dhan Dhan for 2.5 hours to honour our legacy of spiritual healing through Guru Ram Das at dawn.