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What we do

Community outreach

Open Kundalini Yoga Classes (OKYC)

Open Kundalini Yoga Classes take place weekly and are taught by teachers in training and teachers qualified by AKYTTSA. Classes are donation based so that anyone wanting to attend has access and can benefit from participating in a regular spiritual practice.

Online classes are available at certain points during the year. All online classes that are taught by Itta Roussos a.k.a. Ravi Kaur are available on the Itta Roussos You Tube channel.

What to expect


Monday and Saturday classes are 90 minutes


Thursday group yoga therapy taught by Itta Roussos a.k.a. Ravi Kaur is 120 minutes


A deep feeling of being connected, supported and inspired within community


The gift of self-healing

Yoga Etiquette

Yoga is a personal spiritual practice and not merely a physical fitness workout program. We thus encourage a daily practice called a sadhana and assist students in designing one.

Evolution of Our Purpose

55.5% of South Africans (over 28 million people) live on less than $1 a day, and most of these people live in either desperately impoverished rural areas, informal settlements or townships in the cities, and an overwhelming majority (64.2)%) of these South Africans are Black (Stats SA, 2019).


Alexandra (informally known as Alex), is a township in Johannesburg, and although it’s located near the upper-class suburb of Sandton, it is one of the poorest urban areas in the country.

We offer Kundalini yoga classes to students living in the township, as well as teacher training and support, to develop the next generation of Kundalini yoga teachers who will be able to teach in their own community for the betterment of the township and its residents. We work with Ntethelelo Foundation to offer yoga therapy for young women at risk in Stjwetla, an informal settlement on the outskirts of Alex proper.


We teach Kundalini yoga in Soweto, the biggest township in Johannesburg, South Africa.

In addition to Kundalini yoga classes for children, teens and adults, we offer sponsored teacher training to those compassionate and enthusiastic individuals who would like to become teachers, but may not have the resources to do so.


Hillbrow is one of the most densely populated areas in Southern Africa. We teach trauma-sensitive children’s yoga in the parks, in partnership with Joburg City Council and JCPZ (Johannesburg City Parks and Zoos) and at Hillbrow theatre, in partnership with Outreach Foundation. AKYTTSA teachers volunteer their time and love to work with these children who seldom receive much due to the nature of the ills accompanying extreme poverty.

Sets are designed to heal the autonomic nervous system and to bring the children to a state of energised calm. This is in stark contrast to their often highly activated and tense states of being. The children who play at Ekhaya park have been attending classes for over a year.